Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Milk Oolong

Oolong tea comes mainly from China and Taiwan. After tea leaves from the Camellia sinensis plant are plucked and withered, they are processed through careful drying, rolling and steaming and a short period of oxidation that turns the leaves from green to red brown. These teas produce a crisp, clean, refreshing cup that delivers a smooth even taste, some of which can be used for multiple infusions

This Oolong is revered for its unique flavours, which are best described as premium Oolong with sweet milk and light orchid notes. Milk Oolong is harvested at a particular time of year when the temperature shifts, which is a rare occurrence that adds to the popularity of this Oolong. This tea is able to have multiple short steepings and still maintain its sweet golden liquor and creamy aroma.

This tea currently sells for $9.50 per 50 grams at all Teaopia locations. It can be brewed anywhere between 25 – 35 cups of tea. This is a really good price because if you were to consider the quality of the tea and the amount of cups that you can get from the 50 grams. It works out to be an average of 30 cents for a cup of tea when you make it on your own. Now talk about value! Personally I find this tea very tasty without any sugar or honey, it is one of those teas you will find very enjoyable naturally. It goes well at any time of the day and will satisfy you no matter what the mood.

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